How to Pack and Prepare Musical Instruments for the Move

Musical instruments are complex and fragile. However, they can be moved safely to your new home if you pack and prepare them properly.

String Instruments

When packing violins, cellos, and similar instruments, first loosen the strings. This will prevent damage from the extra tension experienced during the move. Do not loosen them so much that the bridge falls. If you have a hard case, put the instrument inside but fill any extra space with crumpled paper or cloths to prevent the instrument from moving around in the case. Preventing movement is especially important for the headstock.

If you don’t have a hard case, wrap the instrument in a plastic garbage bag and seal it with tape. Then wrap with bubble wrap. This helps prevent potential water damage.

Place the instrument in a box with enough space for several layers of peanuts. You may be able to find an appropriate box from your mover or local music store. Be sure to note which end is the top. Once you’ve packed the instrument, gently shake the box, you’ll need to take it out and fill it with more peanuts if the instrument moves inside the box.

Brass and Woodwind Instruments

Disassemble your brass or woodwind instruments and place them in their hard case. If you no longer have the case, wrap each piece of the instrument in bubble wrap so that the parts do not collide with each other. Place them in a box large enough to contain several layers of packing materials. If you use packing peanuts, tape the film around the instruments to prevent any peanuts from getting inside the instrument.


Choose a box that is two to four inches bigger than the drum. Remove the rims and heads and put drums one inside the other.

Place any small parts inside separate bags and tape closed. Wrap spurs and legs in bubble wrap. Put packing materials around before placing the drums in the box.

Pianos and Organs

Most professional moving companies train their employees on how to move pianos and organs. Consult with your professional mover to see about your options.

 If you are packing yourself, you can prepare these instruments.

  • Separate any removable parts, such as music stands, from the instrument and pack them separately.
  • Close and lock the keyboard cover.
  • Put blankets and other soft materials and bubble wrap around the instrument. Use extra wrapping on the legs. Tape the wrapping.

Additional Considerations

Always pack your musical instruments in a separate box or case; packing them with other items may damage them. Also, pack equipment such as guitar straps separately from the instrument. Ensure your boxes are marked as “fragile” so that movers handling your instruments know to take special care.

Schedule your move carefully with the moving company to ensure your instruments will arrive in time for concerts. Woodwind instruments should sit for 24 hours after the move before you use them. You may also need to allow time for having your instrument tuned professionally when you arrive at your new home.

If you need to store your musical instrument, choose a facility with climate control to always be at room temperature.

 Move Your Instruments Right

Are you planning a move? We can help get you and your family moved in. Contact us today to see what we have to offer.



How To Hire A Moving Company That Fits Your Needs

Hiring a terrific moving company may rank only second to picking out your dream home. If you stop and think about it, the people you hire will be in charge of handling personal belonging, fragile items, and precious family heirlooms.

 When packing and transporting irreplaceable things, there are no second chances. That’s why it’s essential to conduct thorough due diligence and ensure you are working with a careful crew you can trust. 

Here are five ways to vet professional moving companies and choose the right one.

1. Thorough Moving Estimators are a Positive Sign

If you are considering a residential moving company, it’s in your best interest to get a few competitive quotes. When the company provides someone in-person or through a virtual survey to review your belongings and calculate the cost, their detail speaks volumes about the organization. 

A thorough estimator will take an inventory that looks at the number of fragile items, square footage, trips, and discusses transportation methods. Estimators may be a sign of what type of people the moving company hires.

2: Consider Moving Company Referrals from Friends & Family Members

It’s usually worth considering the experience people in your orbit had with a moving company. Many outfits have established policies for their employees. These include appropriate ways to handle personal belongings, fragile items, and protective measures for getting bulky furniture through doorways unscathed. If someone you know had a good experience, it stands to reason they are worth considering. Of course, the opposite also holds as well.

3: Verify the Moving Company is Licensed and Insured

You might be surprised by how many unlicensed and uninsured movers present themselves as professionals. Some people think that moving a family to a new home is just a matter of loading up a truck and doing some heavy lifting. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

In reality, experience, safety equipment, and a mindset to care for a client’s belongings are necessary. It’s always best to work with a licensed and insured professional over some guy with a truck.

4: Take a Look at Online Reviews

Living in the information age has its benefits. When hiring a moving company, you can check reviews written by a company’s former clients and get the details. Check the top-rated reviews and consider the description of why they enjoyed a positive move. Weigh this against poor experiences and the reasons provided. 

Online reviews typically run the gamut of personal opinions. If nothing else, the information may prompt you to ask pointed questions.

5: Does the Moving Company Use Specialized Teams?

One of the cost issues when hiring a mover is whether to pack your own belongings. This is crucial because a moving company’s insurance may not cover damage if you do it yourself. On the other hand, outsourcing the packing phase does add an expense.

But beyond the cost, it’s worth asking who would do this packing. If the moving company sends an advanced team of experienced packers to handle the task, that speaks volumes about care. If they are the same people who also do the heavy lifting, that may demonstrate a lack of specialization.

The Right Movers

Hiring a moving company that fits your needs requires due diligence to develop a sense they are thorough professionals who will take good care of your things. By using these and other strategies, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when the vetting process has been completed.

Contact us today. See how we can help you with your move.

How to Pack Seasonal Décor Before You Move

When you pack away seasonal decorations, it’s tempting to throw everything in. But if you know you’re making a household move within a year, you need to take care.

No one wants to pack twice. And you definitely don’t want everything to arrive in shards.

If you have a head start on the move, now’s the time to take advantage. Use these tips to keep your décor compact and secure for your move.

Test Your Decorations

The best time to pack your decorations is right after the season. This way, you know what works and what you should toss out.

If you’re starting to pack items that you haven’t used in a while, take a moment to inspect them. After all, a broken string of lights in your old home isn’t going to fix itself.

If you want to repair anything before you pack it, give yourself plenty of time. You may need a week or more to get new bulbs, fix wiring, or glue a ceramic item back together.

Thin Out Unwanted Décor

People tend to move more things than they expected. This is partly because they keep more than they want.

If your décor doesn’t reflect your current life, it’s time to rethink it. A little decluttering could save you time in packing and unpacking.

Make a pile for things you want to keep and other piles to donate or give away. Fewer boxes for your move can be the biggest win.

Use Original Boxes

Many seasonal decorations come in boxes that you can keep for storage. That holiday tree might be a pain to get into a small package, but it takes up a lot less space.

The original boxes also help to keep things in ideal condition. For any glass or ceramic items, the box may be your best protection.

This is a good general rule to follow, but it doesn’t always apply. If you have damaged or oversized boxes, feel free to use an alternative.

Aim for Organization

Even if you use the original containers, you might need to place things into larger boxes or bins for transport. Try to keep it organized so that you can find what you need later on.

As moving day approaches, you may think about tossing everything in to sort out when you arrive. But all this does is set aside stress for later.

This year, give yourself the gift of clarity. If you have several boxes for a single holiday, be specific about what goes in each one.

Add Extra Protection

Since many seasonal decorations are delicate, you want them to show up as you packed them. For this, you’re going to need additional protection.

The best way to pack glass or other breakable materials involves extra padding. Bubble wrap is great, but you can also rely on packing paper or newspaper.

Labeling can also help to protect your décor from damage. Noting that certain boxes are fragile reminds moving professionals to take extra care.

Are you getting ready to move soon? Get your seasonal décor in line right now. With this advice, you’ll have better holidays to come.

Contact us for moving help! We can help get you into your new home.

Moving? 7 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

More than 35.5 million Americans move each year, which can leave a huge carbon footprint across the nation. If you plan to move and are eco-friendly, our moving professionals offer these tips for a greener transition to your new home.

1. Donate Unneeded Household Items

There’s an added benefit to packing early: you can eliminate things you don’t want or use anymore. This not only lessens your packing time, but it creates a lighter load that will use less fuel during transport. Make arrangements to donate the household items you no longer need or want.

2. Use Recycled or Repurposed Boxes

Using free boxes that you get from local retailers and other sources is optimal. However, you might need to buy some, so choose recycled boxes that reduce your carbon footprint. You can likely even find a box rental company where you can pick some up and return them after use.

A few good companies save boxes from ending up in landfills and offer them at discount prices. They usually ship fast, are affordable, and provide kits with tape, markers, and recycled packing paper. Some of the boxes are actually new but misprints, so they can be picked up relatively inexpensively, too.

Your professional mover might offer gently used boxes, so check with them as well.

3. Pack in Containers You Have On Hand

Most people have plastic containers already in use within the home, so use those before reaching for boxes. Be resourceful by packing things in coolers, laundry baskets, and don’t forget about using extra suitcases.

Plastic boxes can also be rented and returned to reduce waste. Use soft items like pillows and sheets for padding fragile items instead of paper when possible. As you pack, you’ll discover several clever packing hacks to reduce your space needs.

4. Choose Natural Packing Materials

Avoid buying plastic wrap for furnishings as much as possible. Instead, protect your belongings during the move with Eco-friendly materials or items you have access to already. Sheets or plain muslin material is excellent for wrapping mattresses and furnishings you don’t want to be scratched. Moving blankets and pads are also reusable and are invaluable when moving furniture.

5. Recycle Moving Materials After Unpacking

Be sure to repurpose or recycle all paper and packing cubes along with boxes. Find a friend to give them to, donate them, or go online to find someone who needs them for an upcoming move. Recycling companies often have guidelines you must follow before bringing in items, so be prepared before heading to the facility.

6. Minimize Trips Back and Forth

Do your best to keep trips made to the new house as minimal as possible for a local or nearby move. If you hire a van or moving company, moves often occur with one trip, especially if you pack your personal vehicle, too. Using less fuel and sourcing fewer emissions supports a green move.

7. Hire a Green-Minded Professional Moving Company

If you’re hiring movers to assist you with packing or hauling goods for you, inquire about their environmental processes and credentials. While they might not be a fully green operation, many companies now use Eco-friendly vehicles and sell recycled boxes and supplies.

We Are Here to Ease Your Move!

Are you planning a move? Let our professional movers talk to you about our operation before you make a decision. Contact us today for more information.


How to Prepare for a Move With Cats

By nature, cats are averse to change. Even the smallest changes can set them spiraling into unusual behaviors or even physical illness. Before making a significant change like a household move, it’s important to be proactive to make the process as safe, painless, and stress-free as possible for your furball. 

Pet parents who take the following steps find it helps make moving go much more smoothly for their four-legged friends.

Identify your cat

Cats are territorial by nature and may attempt to try to return to familiar surroundings. Before you move, update your cat’s tags with your new number and address.

You also might want to consider investing in a microchip to ensure your cat is easily identifiable in the event they do scurry out. If your pet is already chipped, change your contact information in the database.

Use a Cat Carrier

Some people dislike the thought of “locking” their beloved pet in a small box. However, crating during a move is truly is the best way to keep them safe. 

If your cat is unfamiliar with carriers, start familiarizing about a month before you move—place food near the carrier with favorite toys or blankets inside. Maybe go for some short rides. 

When the big day arrives, be sure your pet’s travel mode is at a comfortable temperature, so they aren’t injured through heat exposure.

Set Up a ‘Safe’ Room

Since cats are change-averse, try to keep them away from the hustle and bustle of moving as much as possible. Cats will instinctively know something is up. Unusual activity often results in stress, spraying, vomiting, or escape attempts. 

Set up a “safe room” where you can close the door and keep your cat away from the moving activity. Before relocating your cat to this room, remove everything needing to be packed to minimize disruption. Once the room is emptied, put your pet’s favorite items in the room, along with the carrier (door open).

Prepare Your New Home

Begin to pet-proof your new home. Move electrical cords and close off spots where your pet could sneak in and get stuck. Make sure that all windows in your new home have secure screens with no holes. Remove all poisonous houseplants and make sure that no pest-control poison traps remain anywhere in the house.

Set up space in a room where your feline can safely roam freely. Once you’ve assured yourself the room is secure, bring familiar items belonging to your pet into the room, along with food, water, and a litter box to allow them to acclimate and feel secure. Plan to keep your cat in this room for at least a week, and have household members spend some time in there each day (with treats!) so your pet doesn’t feel neglected or abandoned. 

When your cat is reasonably comfortable, you can start to allow them to roam a little more freely around your new home.

When making plans to move an outdoors cat, you’ll need to make additional adaptations because they run a higher risk of running back to familiar territory. Be sure to talk to the new occupants and neighbors of your former home to let them know to please not feed or encourage your cat to stick around; your cat will go to where they are fed, which you want to be strictly at your new home.

Moving Plans

Are you looking for a professional mover? Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer to help ensure your move is a stress-free one.

Steps in a Local vs. Long-Distance Move

Moving is complicated. There are many details involved in any relocation, whether you are moving locally or further. One thing is for sure; a successful move starts with a solid plan.

Preparation for your move depends on whether you are moving locally or long distance. The moving industry considers interstate moves to be long-distance moves. Long-distance moves also involve distances of more than 400 miles. In some cases, interstate moves of more than 100 miles are considered long-distance, especially if you have heavy items that require special equipment.

You must generally book long-distance moves farther in advance than local moves and pack more carefully. Your choice of moving companies may also differ depending upon the type of move.

Steps in a Local Move

Booking and Packing

Get quotes and choose your mover two months before you need to move. You will have fewer choices, the closer you get to the moving date. Gather moving supplies and begin packing, unless the moving company is packing for you. Declutter as you pack.

Notify Others

About six weeks before, notify doctors, creditors, family, friends, and others that you plan to move. Fill out a change of address form at the post office about four weeks before. Contact utilities in your new location to arrange for service and those in your current location to arrange for disconnection.

Final Steps

Two weeks before, confirm plans with the mover. Confirm the travel arrangements for your family and pets.

One week before the move, print two copies of your Bill of Lading to keep with your important papers. Drain gas and oil from lawn equipment, grills, and other equipment. Refill prescriptions.

At least 24 hours before, defrost the refrigerator and freezer and pack those items you’ll want to have available on moving day and your first day in your new home.

Steps in a Long-Distance Move

Booking and Packing

Begin interviewing moving companies four months before and book at least 12 weeks before the move. If moving internationally, begin the process six months out. Consider whether you also will need to move your car. Many full-service moving companies can handle this for you or recommend a company that can.

Begin packing, unless you have hired the mover to do that. Packing for a long-distance move must be done much more carefully because boxes will be on the truck for longer. Household appliances require special handling for long-distance moves.

Downsizing, while important in a local move, is critical in a long-distance one. If you don’t love it, use it, or need it, then donate it or responsibly discard it.

Label boxes with the room the box should go in plus your name and phone number. Long-distance movers sometimes place boxes on a truck with those of other families. Your belongings also may not arrive at your new home for several days—pack essential items you will need right away separately and keep them with you or ship them ahead.

Notify Others

Just as with a local move, notify others, arrange for utilities, and make travel plans. Additionally, make sure your current driver’s license will be valid until you can obtain one in your new state. 

Final Steps

Two to three weeks out, confirm plans with the mover and print out the Bill of Lading.

As with a local move, drain oil and gas out of equipment about one week before. Then at least 24 hours before the move, defrost your freezer and refrigerator.

Moving Near or Far

Are you planning your move? Do you need help from pro movers? Contact us for a quote. We can make your short or long-distance move a success!




Moving? How to Declutter and Reorganize Your Linen Closet

We’d all love to throw open our linen closet doors when we need an item to find neatly stacked and organized shelves. Perhaps not unlike what you’d see in an MLS listing or a home design magazine.

The reality is though, for most people, linen closets are packed with blankets, sheets, towels, and miscellaneous items. Yet, most people only use 20% of what they own, 80% of the time. If this sounds familiar, it might be time to declutter and reorganize your linen space. 

Now that you’re getting ready to sell your home and move, people will be checking out the closets — including your linen closet. It’s the ideal time to get a handle on this unruly space. Not only do clean linen closets show better to potential buyers, but the packing will be a breeze, and it’s an excellent way to start fresh in a new home — with a clean, pre-organized linen closet.

Here are some tips to get started before your move.

Remove All Items From Your Closet and Sort

First, remove everything from your linen closet to get a full idea of what you have, what you need, and what you can eliminate. Chances are you’ll find several items you rarely, if ever, use. An empty closet can give you inspiration for organizing. You essentially have an open canvass to arrange belongings practically and conveniently. 

As you empty your closet shelves, set the items in one of four piles: Keep, discard, donate, and repurpose.

  • Keep pile — Place items you actively use (or newfound ones you’d like to use) into this pile so you can prioritize them when they’re put back away.
  • Discard pile — This pile is for items that are no longer usable or worn beyond repair.
  • Donate pile — Compile items you no longer need or want that are acceptable for donation or consignment.
  • Repurpose pile — Make a pile for old linens to use for other purposes. (For example, worn-out towels are great for cleaning, and old sheets as drop cloths.)

Separating items into piles for easy viewing makes it easier to determine what to do with them. Use the Marie Kondo philosophy for any items you’re unsure about – ask yourself – does it spark joy? If not, don’t put it back into your closet.

Give Your Closet Some Flair

Once you’ve got an empty closet, if you want to jazz it up for resale, now is the time. Drab paint? Give it a fresh coat of paint. Want to brighten up your shelving? Add a new shelving liner or contact paper.

Assess Your Space and Arrange Items

Look at your “keep” pile and assess the best way to store these items. Decide if you want to categorize items by type or by room. For instance, do you want to keep all sheets together? Or do you want to put blankets, pillowcases, and sheets together for each room? It doesn’t matter what system you choose, as long as you find one that makes sense to you and keeps things in their proper place. If it helps family members remember, add labels designating where items go.

Fold Items Neatly

To maximize your space, fold items properly. Good Housekeeping offers a video for how to fold sheets properly. Put items you don’t regularly use into vacuum-sealed bags and place on a high or low shelf, or better yet, begin your packing process by packing those items in moving boxes now.

Consider Hanging Organizers

If you keep miscellaneous items in your linen closet (soaps, lotions, etc.) or simply want to store smaller linens in an easy-access space, add hanging basket shelves to one or two of your shelves. This works best if you have sufficient space between each shelf because you can still store larger items under the baskets. If your shelves are too narrow, try putting smaller items in baskets or small cube bins to store smaller things on a shelf.

Moving Made Easy

As a moving company, we’ve seen closets of all shapes and sizes. A good declutter and organization system goes a long way towards spiffing things up and helping with your home’s sale.

Need help getting packed and moved? Contact us for a free quote. We can help simplify your move.

3 Ways to Downsize Efficiently and Move On

Having a large home can be overwhelming if you are living in it alone. Downsizing can make taking care of your home more manageable and less stressful. 

It’s amazing how much stuff a person can accumulate over a few years’ time. When you start to downsize, there are several things you can do to make sure your move goes smoothly and that you don’t have any misunderstandings between family members.

Here are some ways to help you with your downsizing effort.

Donate Items to Charity

Moving to a smaller home or apartment means that you will more than likely have a lot of extra furniture, cooking utensils, and other household items. Many local charities will pick up donations of large items like beds, sofas, and dressers. Just notify them about what you have and schedule a time for pick up. 

Most charities will also provide you with a receipt allowing you to take your donation off of your taxes at the end of the year. Once you have a list of items you want to donate, call your favorite charity, and schedule a pick-up time.

If there are items you just can’t part with yet, consider renting a storage unit. It might ease your concern about parting with things you aren’t ready to let go of.

Ask Family Members What They Would Like to Have

If you have family heirlooms or keepsakes, you may want to arrange to give these to your family members. This ensures that all of the things go to the person you want to have them. This will eliminate any disputes later and will make your move much easier. Another advantage of distributing family heirlooms is that there is less likelihood of something getting broken with repeated moves. 

Talk to each family member and find out what they would like to have. Once you have decided who will receive what item, make arrangements to have them come over and pick it up.

Find the Right Space

The hardest part about downsizing is making sure you have the right amount of space in your new home. 

After you have decluttered your current home, schedule a meeting with a real estate agent in your area. If possible, select a realtor called a Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SERS) to help you sell your house. SERS realtors have experience working with clients that need to downsize. An excellent way to find a reliable agent is to ask friends and family for referrals. 

People who have recently downsized might have leads on real estate agents who understand your unique needs. Another way to find a realtor is to connect with a relocation specialist. They can refer you to realtors in your area and help you navigate the relocation process if you are moving to a new state.

Relocation Help

Downsizing is a great way to maintain control over your living area. Although it may seem overwhelming at first, once you make the final decision, you will feel like a burden has been lifted off your shoulders. You will have the peace of mind you need to live comfortably without having to deal with excess clutter. Downsizing also makes caring for your home much more manageable and will give you more free time to enjoy your day.

We can help with your downsizing move! Contact us today for a free quote.

Moving in a Hurry? Tips to Pack Up and Move at Max Speed

Perhaps you have landed your ideal new position with all the perks, but the job is across the country, and you start right away. Or maybe you have had another unexpected event that requires you to move quickly. 

Whatever the reason for your fast move, you will no doubt have your challenges. You’re going to have to rush, though! Read on for some tips on moving in a hurry.

Contact Potential Movers

First, get in touch with expert moving companies. Request free quotes, inquire about their availability, determine the right fit, and contract their services. Take care of this step right away so that you aren’t stuck moving everything yourself.

When contacting the prospective movers to book moving services, clarify their services and packages. Will you require full-service assistance like packing and unpacking? Does the moving company offer a moving coordinator to help you with your planning? Will you require storage? Select the residential moving company that best suits your moving needs.

Make a Checklist

It’s easy to overlook things when you’re moving in a hurry; that’s why a checklist is essential. As soon as things start progressing at a fast pace, you’ll be glad that you have the checklist to refer to. This list will help eliminate your panic. It will give you peace of mind so that you do not forget anything.

Cull through Quickly

Eliminate as much unnecessary stuff as you can. You don’t want to move things you don’t want to keep. A new home is an opportunity for a fresh start, so unload things that are cluttering up your life. Donate your useable unwanted items so that they get a new home with someone who will use them.

Pack Clothes as They Are

When you’re short on time, leave the clothes in the dresser drawers if it isn’t too heavy. Move the dresser as is! Secure the drawers closed with heavy furniture blankets and stretch wrap.

As for the hanging clothes, don’t remove them from the hangers. Bundle the hangers together, and secure them with rubber bands. Then place a plastic cover over them using something like a tall trash bag. This will keep the clothes together and prevent them from getting dirty.

Label Everything

You may be in a hurry, but labeling your boxes in not a step you want to skip. Label each box with a basic description of the contents and room that it is destined for at your new home.

Ask for Help

When you’re pressed for time in a quick move, it helps to reach out to family and friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Added reinforcements can help you make decisions quicker in pressure situations as well. Friends and family can help you discard unnecessary items and help you pack up. This is an invaluable resource.

Pack an Essentials Box

Make your move a little easier by packing an essentials box to include things you need right after the move. Include items you will need but won’t have immediate access to after you arrive at your new place. Include medications, toothbrushes, toiletries, cleaning supplies, phone chargers, snacks, and a change of clothes.

Pack and Move in a Hurry 

Starting life in a new place is challenging enough, but having to pull off a move in a short amount of time is even trickier! If you have a move to make in a hurry, contact us for a quote. We can help take the challenge out of your move.

Ready to Sell Your Home? Tips for Staging

Are you preparing to move? Staging your home will likely make the difference between a fast sale and a home that lingers on the housing market for a long time. 

Now that you have decided to make your household move, you probably don’t want to wait forever for your home to sell. You are undoubtedly anxious to move on to the next phase of your life. Selling your home quickly is a top priority. 

While many factors influence how long a house stays on the market, one aspect that can affect how quickly your home sells is how well it is staged.

If you need some tips for staging your house, but you don’t know where to begin, here are some suggestions to help with a quicker home sale. 

Deep Clean 

Start with the basics. House buyers are looking for a new place to call home, and they will search for clean and fresh properties. A deep clean requires more than just wiping down the sinks and vacuuming the floor. To get your house into the best condition for staging, think deeper. 

From grimy baseboards to buggy, dusty ceiling fixtures, everything in your house needs to be cleaned so that it’s spotless and shiny. Clean the windows inside and out. Make sure the floors, wall, and switch plates are spotless.

Remove Clutter 

Maybe you have intended to declutter your home for years but just never committed to doing it. 

Now is the time to dive in.

The goal of staging your home is to showcase the space and not your personal belongings. You must examine each room of your home and remove unnecessary stuff. 

Remove things like blenders and toasters from the kitchen counters to highlight more counter space. Either tuck these things away in a cabinet or start the packing process a little early. 

The same rule applies to things like collections. From teddy bears to stamps to coins, if you have collections displayed in your home, pack them up early for your move because to others, they might appear as clutter.

De-Personalize Your Space

When potential buyers take a look at your home, they want to be able to picture their own family living there. That’s why you need to help them with that vision. Remove all of your personal items and family memorabilia. These include family portraits, personal plaques, trophies, and other elements indicating this is your home. Though you have a sentimental attachment to these items, they may just distract your potential buyers. Again, remove these by packing them up.

Let Light In 

Light plays a significant factor in the aesthetic of your home. 

Stage your home to let in as much natural light as possible into each room. Consider removing heavy drapes and anything blocking the windows. 

Before your showings, make sure you open your blinds. If your light fixtures and lampshades are dated or dingy, replace them with lighter fresher shades that cast more light. Even increase the wattage in the bulbs throughout the house.  

Upgrade the Curb Appeal

Your potential buyer’s first impression of your home will be as they approach from the exterior. Make the most of it!  

Plant some colorful flowers and add some welcoming, colorful planters near the front door. Make sure the bushes are trimmed, the lawn is cut and kept, and lay down some fresh mulch.

Perk up the whole front entrance with a fresh color of paint on the door and a new, fun welcome mat. 

Are You Ready to Move? 

These home staging tips should help you get your house sold quickly. 

And, once you’re ready to move, contact us for a quote. We can help get you to your new home with no worries.