Moving? Organize and Declutter Before You Pack

There can be many hidden expenses during a residential move. Things like utility transfers, forgetting to discontinue services or memberships, packing supplies, and appliance technicians are just some of the costs you haven’t considered when putting together your budget.

Before you begin packing, consider decluttering your home. The less stuff you have, the easier and more cost-effective it will be to move. Plus, your belongings will be more streamlined and organized when you get to your new house.

Here are some decluttering tips to help you scale back before you pack.

Assess Your Belongings

Side aside some time to focus on each room one at a time. Thoughtfully consider everything you have. Gather a pile of things to donate and another to discard.

Ask yourself about each item::

  • Is this still useful to me?
  • Is it broken?
  • When did I last use it?
  • Does it have sentimental value to me?
  • Will I miss it if I don’t have it?
  • Is there a place for it in my new home

Reduce Your Wardrobe

Most people don’t wear much of what is in their closet. It’s time to take charge and sort through your closet so that you know what you’re working with.

Edit your wardrobe much like you did your other belongings. Be honest with yourself about what you wear and what you don’t.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does the article of clothing still fit me?
  • Does it coincide with my current lifestyle?
  • Have I worn this in the last two years?

Scale Back on Knick-Knacks

There’s no denying that most of us like to purchase miscellaneous items when from time to time. Sometimes they’re impulse buys or souvenirs from when we travel. In many cases, these items don’t serve a purpose and just collect dust. Other times our styles change, and they no longer fit in with our decor.

Cull through your bookshelves, cabinets, and junk drawers. You may have assorted souvenir mugs and knick-knacks that you don’t need to bring with you to clutter your new home. Place them in the donate pile and move on.

Downsize the Pantry

It’s an excellent idea to scale pack on your food before you pack up. 

There is no reason to transport expired foods from your current pantry to your new one. If the date has passed, discard it.

Use up the food currently have in your pantry instead of moving it. Go through your pantry and fridge and start planning meals so that you can use up that food before your move date. 

If you have too much food and realize you won’t be able to consume it all before the big move, donate the remaining to a local food pantry.

Assess Your Furniture

Take a look at your furniture and determine if it’s worth the expense of moving. Perhaps your furniture is worn and has seen better days. It might be easier to replace it when you settle in at your new house, especially if you’re moving a reasonable distance.

Start Decluttering Early

Start the decluttering process early so that you don’t have to bring unnecessary stuff with you to your new home. Take advantage of the opportunity to have a fresh start in your new home.

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