Office Space Trends from the Past and How They’ve Improved

The first office buildings began to emerge in the early 1700s. When the British Empire started dabbling more in trade and service industries, office buildings were built to house the professionals doing daily business. While those old offices were all about supporting the basics of business function, today, offices are far more efficient and comfortable. Take a look at a few past office space trends and how they have changed over the years.

Smaller Spaces with Fewer In-Office Staff Members

Traditionally, large offices were required to support a large workforce. In fact, if you look back even a few decades ago, most offices were jam-packed with employees, and each employee had limited space. However, thanks to technology, many business processes are automated today, eliminating the need for people to fill specific roles. Further, more remote workers can now fulfill their roles at home for the same company.

Greater Attention to Office Workplace Safety and Comfort

Working in an office was once thought to be the safest occupation a person could have. Though office work is relatively safer than other physical jobs, we now understand that sitting in front of a computer all day can pose workplace safety concerns. Designers develop modern offices to be safer and more comfortable. You can find things such as:

  • Ergonomic office chairs that fully support the spine
  • Adjustable computer screens and keyboards to prevent eye and wrist discomfort
  • Adjustable light fixtures to reduce or prevent eye strain
  • Air filtration systems to support healthy indoor air quality

More Flexible Workstations and Collaboration Areas

Office cubicles were introduced in the 1960s to make the office workspace more efficient. Before that point, most offices were lined with tables and desks, and workers were seated side by side. Cubicles offered more privacy and seclusion in crowded spaces. However, cubicles have long since grown to be an outdated office implement. The workforce is usually smaller, allowing workstations to be more open. Further, workplace collaboration is more commonplace. Therefore, setups are more open and fluid to support team collaborations.

Greater Dedication to Employee Downtime

Employee downtime has been discussed in modern business over the last few years. In addition, there is a greater understanding of mental health and the importance of break rooms conducive to rest and rejuvenation. For these reasons, designers create modern offices with exceptional attention to areas employees use to unwind. Not only will you find a standard break room with tables for having lunch and vending machines, but you will also see quiet rooms, various seating options, and more.

Office Relocation Help

Without question, what we consider an efficient office space today looks far different. If you are planning to relocate your business to a more efficient, modern place, we can help. Reach out to the team for a detailed moving quote to start.




Tips for Sorting and Downsizing Your Wardrobe for a Move

One of the keys to a successful household move is decluttering. For many people, one of the essential areas to purge is their wardrobe. Here are some tips for sorting and reducing your wardrobe.

Clear the Clothes Out of Your Closet

First, pull all the clothes out of your closet so that you can see them. Before deciding what to keep or eliminate, you must clearly understand your whole wardrobe. For example, you may need a few dress pants for work. If you pull each item out, one at a time, you may not notice how many you have. However, looking at them together, you may realize you have 20 appropriate pairs. So you’ll want to cull them down to a few favorites.

Put an item back in the closet when you decide to keep it. If you choose to donate it, put it in a box marked “donate” and set it aside.

Inspect Each Item

Thoroughly inspect each item. Does it look faded or worn? Is it torn and difficult to repair? If so, discard it.

If you don’t discard an item immediately, try it on. If it doesn’t fit, is unflattering, or is out of style, put it in the donate box.

Consider What You Wear

Try the reverse-hanger hack if you have several months to pare down your wardrobe. First, turn clothes around, so they hang in the opposite direction. Then, as you wear each item, rehang it correctly. Then you’ll see what you wear.

If you have little time before your move, hold up each piece and consider when you last wore them. If you need help remembering, the item is a candidate for donating or discarding.

Seek Help from Others

A friend or family member can often help you declutter. For example, if you and your spouse are moving together, try helping each other declutter. Often, another person can help you avoid keeping items you no longer need, especially if you’re hanging onto an article purely for emotional reasons.

Suppose you are stuck on an item. Your friend or spouse might ask you to describe why you want to keep it. Often, you’ll realize your reasons aren’t valid when you hear yourself speak them out loud.

Thank Each Item

Another way to emotionally let go of clothing items is to thank the item, recounting what it has meant to you over time. For example, you may recall the time you first wore the garment. Clearly say what you appreciate about the item.

Then, say why it no longer works for you. And forgive yourself.

For example, suppose a formal outfit was your favorite in college but no longer fits properly. You might say

“I remember wearing this outfit for my graduation. I am thankful that it made me look so good on that occasion. Now, however, it no longer fits me comfortably. So I don’t need it; someone else can love it now.”

Moving Assistance

As you’re decluttering your closets for your relocation, start getting quotes from your professional mover. An early start will ensure you are ready for the moving day. Contact us today for a free quote.