
Ways to Maximize Your Phone Camera During a Relocation

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  July 25, 2024

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Category: Movers Near Me
Your phone’s camera is essential during a move, offering numerous benefits that can simplify and enhance the process. Here are several reasons why your phone camera is valuable and how it can make your residential move smoother and more organized. 1. Documenting Belongings for Insurance Detailed Inventory Taking photos of your belongings before the move provides a detailed visual inventory. This is especially useful for documenting high-value items like electronics, jewelry, and artwork. Detailed images also simplify the insurance claim

Tips on Creating a Home Relocation Budget

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  July 15, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure but can also be financially challenging if you’re unprepared. Creating a well-thought-out budget allows you to manage your expenses and enjoy a stress-free transition. Here are some tips to help you budget effectively for your household move. 1. Plan Ahead Start Early Begin your budgeting process as soon as you know you’ll be moving. This gives you ample time to save, plan, and avoid last-minute financial surprises. Make a List of

The Essential Guide to Unpacking After a Move

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  June 29, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Transitioning to a new home can be both exciting and stressful. Once the moving trucks have left and the boxes are scattered around, the real work begins: unpacking. Here’s a guide to help you go from chaos to a well-organized, cozy home efficiently after a household move. 1.  Prioritize Essentials Before diving into the rest of the boxes, focus on the essentials. These are the items you’ll need immediately to function comfortably in your new home: Bathroom: Set up your

8 Strategies to Destress After Moving to Your New Home

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  June 14, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Moving can be an incredibly stressful experience. However, mitigating this stress with the right post-move strategies is possible. Here are some practical ways to destress after a household move. 1. Establish Social Connections Socializing can shift your attention away from personal stressors. Meeting new people in your neighborhood or reconnecting with old friends can be highly beneficial. Consider throwing a housewarming party or exploring local activity spots to meet new acquaintances. 2. Engage in Physical Activities Exercise is an excellent

Moving into a New Home: Setting Up Utilities

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  May 30, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Setting up utilities for your new home is essential to the moving process. Ensuring that water, electricity, gas, and other vital services are up and running when you move in will make the move easier and more enjoyable. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate setting up utilities for your new home when you relocate. 1. Research Utility Providers Before moving to your new home, research the utility providers in your area. Compare rates, services, and customer reviews to

Packing Your Home Office for a Move: Tips for Success

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  May 16, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
A growing number of people work from home. Whether they have a business or work remotely, they use their home office to make a living.  Of course, when your office is in your home, every move is a residential and office move. Ensuring the move goes smoothly is as vital for your company as for your family.  Moving your home office can be daunting, but with the right tips and preparation, you can make the process much smoother. Here are

Tips for Moving in Summer Weather

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  April 25, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
In most parts of the country, summer weather is ideal for tackling a big move. But, high heat and humidity and unpredictable storms can challenge a household move. Prepare your household and care for your body with these essential moving tips for people moving during the summer months. Schedule Movers Early Summer is the peak moving season because the weather is generally cooperative, and children are out of school. Be sure to schedule your move as soon as you have

How to Pack Your Kitchen for Your Move

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  April 11, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Packing a kitchen for a residential move is a tall task. It can be challenging to pack as one of the most often used rooms in the house, especially while still actively living in the home. To simplify the process, we’ve put together these tips to help make the job easier for you. 1. Start Using Perishable Foods To avoid throwing out food, make meal plans a few weeks before you move and start packing. This will help you downsize

Top Ten Fixes to Make Before Selling Your Home

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  March 28, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Making home repairs before your household move can speed up the sale and often net you more money. Here are the top fixes before selling your home. 1. Paint Painting is inexpensive yet can improve how the house looks to prospective buyers. Safe colors, such as beige or gray, generally work the best. Have a professional paint the house if your budget allows. However, if you have the skills, you can save money by painting it yourself. 2. Landscaping The

4 Tips for Moving with Extended Family

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  March 14, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Extended family members are increasingly common in American households today. Sometimes, this is because of cultural reasons, and in other cases, it may be financially beneficial for everyone. Regardless of the situation, having extended family members in the house can make moving a little trickier. So, before you start packing boxes and calling movers, remember these tips. Step One: Communicate With Everyone An extended family typically means a mixture of people of different ages, backgrounds, and needs. For example, one