
5 Ways to Make Your Office Move Easier

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  February 29, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Office relocation requires many steps and can be time-consuming. If you take these steps, you can make your relocation easier for yourself and your employees. Planning in advance, decluttering your office space, and creating a communications plan are all things you can do to ensure your office relocation will be as simple and successful as possible. Here’s what you need to know to ensure a satisfying and lower-stress experience for your business. 1. Plan Far In Advance As soon as

10 Things You Should Do With Your New Home Before Movers Arrive

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  February 15, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
As you prepare for moving day and finish tasks at your soon-to-be former home, you’ll also have tasks to put on your checklist for your new home. Before the movers arrive at your new place with your belongings, the following are ten things to do. 1. Turn on Utilities Before moving day, double-check to ensure your electricity and water are on. You’ll face challenges when settling in if your utilities aren’t working on or before moving day. 2. Reserve Parking

How to Pack Your Bathroom for Your Upcoming Move

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  January 25, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Bathrooms can hold a surprising amount of stuff for such a small space in your home. Many homeowners will accumulate several boxes dedicated to a single bathroom between cosmetics, liquid cleaners, towels, and decorations. To make your bathroom packing easier for your household move, follow the steps below to keep organized and efficient. Purge Items Bathrooms tend to collect an oddball mashup of cosmetics, products, and cleaners. Before packing, pull everything from your cabinets, drawers, and shelves and decide what

6 Best Practices For Packing Electronics When Moving

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  January 11, 2024

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Category: Moving Tips
Electronics are an essential part of everyday life. Whether you’re working remotely, attending online classes, streaming your favorite binge on your big-screen TV, listening to music, or hanging out on social media, you want your devices to be ready on demand. Moving can cause a brief interruption to your digital lifestyle. For minimal disruption, you’ll want to carefully pack electronics so you don’t run into problems at the other end of your move. Today, we’ve got some expert tips to

Versatility of Portable Storage Containers

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  December 28, 2023

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Category: Moving Tips
Portable storage containers are an excellent solution to provide additional space when needed. People often rent these containers for many reasons due to their exceptional versatility. Learn what these portable storage containers are, how you can use them, and other benefits you can enjoy. What is a Portable Storage Container? A portable storage container is a purpose-built, fully enclosed, box-like container. People often use them for temporary storage. You can rent different sizes (e.g., 8’ or 16’) made of waterproof

Tips for Moving With a Young Baby or Toddler

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  December 14, 2023

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Category: Moving Tips
Moving with little ones can be tricky. However, you can manage the process with some careful preparation. Here are tips for relocating with babies or toddlers. Handle Medical Needs Visit your child’s pediatrician to be sure you’re up-to-date on all the shots and tests. Being up-to-date will give you a time cushion when you move into your new home. Secure a pediatrician in your new location before your move, just in case your baby develops a fever right after the

Best Reasons to Drive When Moving Cross-Country

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  November 30, 2023

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Category: Moving Tips
Long-distance moves across the country are complex due to the details involved with not just the planning but the actual relocation details of getting from point A to point B. One of the decisions you’ll need to make is whether to fly or drive to your new home. Here are some benefits of driving across the country when you relocate. Minimize Costs Plane tickets are often expensive, costing hundreds of dollars per person. On the other hand, driving your own

How to Make Your New House Feel Like Home

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  November 16, 2023

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Category: Moving Tips
Moving to a new house is exciting, but it can be pretty intimidating, too. Although your house will eventually become your home, it can initially feel like you are living in a stranger’s house. Making your house feel like home will take time, but there are some easy, quick steps you can take as soon as you relocate to help your new house feel like it’s your own. Make Kids and Pets Comfortable Sometimes, life revolves around your kids and

How to Declutter and Determine What Not to Bring On Your Move

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  October 26, 2023

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Category: Moving Tips
Before your household relocation, it’s a good idea to declutter and determine which belongings you shouldn’t bring. Doing a purge makes sense because there isn’t any sense in spending money to move items to your new home that you’re likely never to use again. Make a Spot for Three Piles The first thing to do when planning to downsize belongings is to make four piles. This will help you keep track of everything. Keep Donate (or give away – if

How to Plan for Your Road Trip Before Your Long-Distance Move

Posted by Sandhills Moving & Storage on  October 12, 2023

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Category: Moving Tips
Moving is never easy, but relocating long-distance, in some cases, across the country, means you’ll have a few additional challenges that don’t come with other types of moves. Road trips can be a fantastic experience, but planning for the long-distance trek is a task in itself. We’ve compiled tips to organize your road trip before your long-distance move. Map Your Route (And Have a Backup Plan) Before you hit the road, map your route. Most people use apps such as