4 Tips for How to Adjust to Extreme Climate Differences

Typically, when planning a move to another part of the country or a new country altogether, your mind focuses on elements like housing, finances, and a job. However, you should also pay attention to the climate of your new destination, particularly if it’s much different from what you’re used to.

Fortunately, as with anything else, preparing for these changes can make adapting easier. So, here are some tips on adjusting to extreme climate change when making a residential move.

1. Plan Ahead

If you’re moving somewhere hotter, you want warm clothes that allow maximum airflow and breeziness. Conversely, if you’re moving to a colder climate, you need warm clothing that will insulate heat.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the time of year you’re moving. For example, winter may be hot where you’re going, or it may be much colder. So, you want the right wardrobe ready for when you arrive.

Along with your clothes, you should also pay attention to the elements to control your new home’s climate. For example, does it have an air conditioner or heating system? Will you need fans to stay comfortable? These things will allow you to pack accordingly to remain comfortable.

2. Acclimate Slowly

If you’re used to colder weather, you don’t want to spend all your time outside on a hot and humid day. Instead, let your body acclimate naturally, and don’t try to force it.

On average, it takes about two weeks for a person to adjust to the climate, but that’s not to say you’ll be fine forever. Again, the seasons can affect how you feel, so even if you acclimate to the summer, you still have to wait until winter arrives to adjust to that.

3. Avoid Trying to Recreate Your Home Climate

If you’re used to hot and humid weather, and it’s cold outside, you may be tempted to keep your home hot and humid (or vice versa). However, doing this will only extend the acclimation period and make it harder for your body to adjust. Instead, take incremental steps to allow your body to get used to the new climate.

For example, throw on a couple of extra layers if you’re cold instead of cranking the heat inside. Over time, you can shed those layers until you’re used to the colder weather.

4. Discuss Issues With Other Climate Expats

As you settle into your new home, making local friends is one of the best ways to feel comfortable. As you meet new people, see if anyone is from your corner of the country. If so, you can discuss how they acclimated to the climate and what worked best for them.

Additionally, you can find forums online and reach out to others who have had similar experiences. Sharing stories and personal tips can help you feel better physically, but it’s good to build those social bonds too.

Get Moving Help Today!

Whether moving from the mountains to the beach or vice versa, it pays to have professional help. We can make it easier for you to move from one climate to the next, so contact us when you’re ready to start packing.


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