Tips for Decluttering Before a Move

Moving can be an exciting experience, but it can also be overwhelming. One of the biggest challenges is deciding what to do with all your belongings. Downsizing is essential before any move, whether it’s across town or across the country, as it will make the unpacking process much smoother in your new home.

This guide from Sandhills Moving and Storage offers valuable tips and strategies for effective decluttering when moving.

Start Early and Break It Down 

  • Don’t procrastinate!: The earlier you start decluttering, the less overwhelmed you’ll feel.
  • Break down the task: Divide your home into smaller, more manageable sections (e.g., one room at a time, one drawer at a time). This makes the process feel less daunting.

The “Keep, Donate, Toss” Method

  • Create three piles: Items to keep, items to donate, and items to throw away.
  • Be ruthless: Ask yourself these questions:
    • Have I used this item in the past year?
    • Does this item bring me joy?
    • Could I easily replace this item if needed?
  • Don’t get sentimental: It’s okay to let go of items that hold sentimental value but no longer serve a practical purpose. Consider taking photos of these items before parting with them.

The 4-Box Method

  • Prepare four boxes: Label them “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Trash.”
  • Move through your belongings quickly: Make a decision about each item and place it in the appropriate box.

Utilize Online Resources

  • Consider selling unwanted items online: Platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and eBay can help you recoup some of your investment.
  • Donate to local charities: Donating unwanted items to local charities like Goodwill, Salvation Army or Habitat for Humanity.

Professional Help

  • Consider a professional organizer: Professional organizers can provide strategies and assistance throughout the decluttering process.

Pack Strategically

  • Pack essentials in a separate bag: This will ensure you have what you need when you arrive at your new home.
  • Label all boxes clearly: Labeling items by room or category will make unpacking much easier.

Decluttering before a move is essential for a smooth and stress-free transition. By following these tips and strategies, you can downsize effectively, minimize moving costs, and make the unpacking process in your new home much more enjoyable.

Call Sandhills Moving and Storage Today!

Contact Sandhills Moving and Storage for all your moving and storage needs. Our skilled team can assist you with every part of your move, including packing, loading, transportation, and storage.

Posted Under: Moving Tips